Sunday 2 December 2007


“Someone commented on Jon’s blog that I sounded as though I was preparing a nursery,” I told Susan. “The nesting instinct definitely took over as I was unpacking his clothes and preparing his room.”
“That’s a touching image,” Susan said. “Like bringing home a new baby.”
“Some baby.”
“No, he’s not a baby. He’s a man. But in a way it’s like a re-birth. As we said in the last session, you experienced a bereavement when he went into prison. That person no longer exists. A different person is going to come home to you.”
“Well, I’ve suffered the labour pains.”
“Are you still feeling concerned about how you’ll cope.”
“No. I feel more together this week. For the past month, I’ve been overwhelmed with thoughts of his imminent release, how he’ll adjust, how we’ll all get along, and worst of all whether he’ll… I find it hard to even say it… re-offend, take drugs again, let everyone down.”
“Do you still feel like that?”
“No. Perhaps I’m starting to use the strategies I’ve learned in therapy. It is no use worrying about something that may never happen. I’m concentrating every day on being positive, well, realistically positive. I know there’ll be adjustments for us all. It’s not all going to be wonderful, but it’s nothing so bad as having him in prison. He'll be here with us. I can give him a hug, make him a meal, talk to him.”
“You’ve probably mentally prepared yourself. A new phase in your lives is about to begin.”
“And I’m ready for it to happen.”

Copyright © 2007 Barbara Attwood

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The turmoil you are feeling is natural. Luckily its not something everyone has to go through. I've experienced it myself. one day you love them and the next day you hate them for what they did. you are a strong family use that strength to pull together. he says he is sorry and its up to him to prove that to you. Have faith in God. he will help you through it.

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